The idea
For many years I was working on military research. I started with collecting and reenactment. To deliever high end results in both hobbies I did extensive research. Research is required for every time period or armed conflict. And as we all know – a picture is worth a thousand words, so why not base the research of military photos?
Collecting military photographs has always been a challange – the ones which are presented on the web are usually limited in quality and aren’t structured. Finding unique photos is a challange of it’s own – you have to be a member of closed communities on social media groups or forums.
I have collected a considerable amount of photos for the topics which I was working on. At the time my main topic was Soviet Army in Afghanistan, and the amount of photographs I have collected was huge – around 20000. I did not like them just dusting on my harddrive, instead I really wanted to share them with the collegues who are interested in this topic.
Soon I realised, that a lot of people have a similar problem. In fact, people have problem on both ends – those, who store the photograps and those who want to see them.
The solution
This website is designed to face and solve this issue.
Global mission is to create the biggest archieve of military photos, covering both peace time service and conflicts. For every country and every conflict. With free and easy access for everyone, forever.
This will take a big community of photo collectors and visitors. For now I will just keep uploading the military photos which I have and the ones I have. Which is still plenty and you should definetely check them out! My suggestion is to start with the battle of the Height 3234 gallery, which took place in Afghanistan in 1988. If you are more into some modern military photograps, I would strongly suggest to check the Israel section, as it is the biggest one at the moment. But I will definetely post more modern photos in the future!
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